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  • Writer's pictureJenna

How to "Carry On" With a Book Hangover

I recently finished Rainbow Rowell's Carry On and it just blew me away. It was a little slow at first but about 50 pages in the story took off and I was hooked. I've been hankering for more of the Simon Snow universe and I'm just really thankful that there are 2 more books in the series.

When I explain this book to people I usually try to summarize it with: LGBTQ Harry Potter if it were about Neville Longbottom and skipped the first 6 years at Hogwarts and jumped into year 7. Oh, with lots more swearing.

But it's so much more than that. I felt the slow burn romance creep up on me and it left me giddy and just all around happy even through the literary irony and angsty teenage feels. My only problem now is blowing through my library books so I can go pick up the second installment Wayward Son.

I just need to also throw in that this magical universe relies on phrases that have become common place in "Normal" society. Anything that's been repeated enough can become a spell and I just loved all of the Queen lyric references. It warmed my soul and put me in the mood for Halloween/Samhain.

I will be handing out this book like a crazy book bearing Santa Clause this December. If you get a copy from me, know that you are loved <3

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